Buddha’s Insight for Business

Well, actually, Buddha probably wasn’t thinking about business when he said this, but it certainly has relevance to your success. For more on having a business that is consider a success, visit https://www.paystubcreator.net/. I first saw this quote on Facebook and it...

Best Question to Ask Sellers

Your marketing is working. Potential sellers are calling. Great! The next step is to qualify the caller to determine if they are truly motivated – whether or not it is worth proceeding with this homeowner. To create a great deal, we need a motivated seller that...

Get Higher Response Rates on Your Marketing

Marketers measure response rate of their advertising: the percentage of the total prospects which respond to the advertisement. For instance, let’s say that you send out 1,000 direct mail pieces and receive 20 calls. You have a 2% response rate. The higher the...

Do You “Subject To”?

Do you “subject to”? In other words do you purchase houses subject to the existing mortgage as a method for financing the deal? If not, you really need to be. If so, you need to be doing it correctly. Subject to financing is an incredible way to partially (even fully)...

Most Training Programs Stink!!??

Every one (including me) has at one time or another purchased some sort of training program expecting to see phenomenal results only to become despairingly disappointed. That’s because the programs stink, right? Wrong. That’s not it at all! In fact let’s be perfectly...

Marketing Strategies

As we established in the last post…the way to find really profitable deals is to establish a marketing campaign to drive motivated sellers to call YOU. When potentials sellers are contacting you – then YOU have all of the leverage. You are deciding whether or not to...