Well, actually, Buddha probably wasn’t thinking about business when he said this, but it certainly has relevance to your success. For more on having a business that is consider a success, visit https://www.paystubcreator.net/.

I first saw this quote on Facebook and it immediately struck a chord within me. So much so that I had it printed and canvas, framed, and it now hangs on my wall so I contemplate its deeper meaning every day.

Why are some people so successful while others constantly struggle?

Is it brain power?

No, because then only the highly intelligent would be successful.

Is it hard work?

No, because then all of the hard working people would be very successful.

Is it looks?

No, because there would be no ugly successful people.

So what is it?

Buddha said…

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. What we think we become.

In other words, our thoughts determine everything about us including our success.

What are your pre-dominant thoughts about your business? Do you see constant growth and success and do you see struggle?

It is virtually impossible to generate a great idea if your predominant thoughts about your business are negative.

Invest time each day imagining your dream ideal business and what it looks like. Be as specific as possible. And here is the key part: talk about it as though it has already happened.  Do this every day for 30 days and you will have changed your predominant thoughts which will affect your results.

I always close out by saying “Expect Abundance”.  It is not a trite suggestion. It is what will make the difference in your life.
Expect abundance,

Lou Castillo