Every one (including me) has at one time or another purchased some sort of training program expecting to see phenomenal results only to become despairingly disappointed.

That’s because the programs stink, right?


That’s not it at all!

In fact let’s be perfectly frank…how many programs have you purchased and never broke the seal let alone actually implemented the techniques and strategies revealed?

Sure. There’s a small margin of programs that aren’t worth the paper they are written on, but most offer good valuable information.

The problem lies in the purchase process not in the product.

I want to offer some insight on the effective way to buy the right training that will yield the desired results.

The very first step…and this is often skipped…is to determine your goals and objectives. What specifically do you want to accomplish?

Be careful: this is NOT your wish list. This should be the list of the goals that you are committed to achieve. For example let’s imagine that in the past you have made about $50-$60,000 a year investing in real estate.

There are 3 types of goals you might set:

  1. The ones you wish would happen but don’t believe. My goal is to make $500,000 this year. Wouldn’t it be great if that ever actually happened?
  2. The ones you believe you could probably accomplish this year, but it is a stretch. My goal is to make $130,000 this year. If I really push myself I could probably do it.
  3. The ones you are absolutely committed to achieving. My goal is to make $100,000 this year and I will hit that number no matter what.

Stay focused on the goals to which you are committed and push yourself to hit your stretch goals. The wish list really has no value other than a great daydream since you don’t believe it anyway.

The problem is that we buy programs based on the wish list. Which means we are hoping to find the goose with the golden egg…the holy grail…the Fountain of Youth…the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

And if these programs delivered on these dreams it would be paradise.

But you don’t believe any of those results are remotely possible so it all becomes paradise lost.

So focus on what you are committed to achieving. Ask yourself: where are you now and what is needed to reach the next level?

Do you need training on a specific topic to provide you more depth of understanding like building a private lender portfolio or do you need more broad based training like how to build a real estate investing business?

You also need to consider your budget and how you learn and implement best. Do you prefer self paced programs that you can access anytime online at your convenience for a reasonable cost; or would you rather have more expensive one-on-one mentoring?

Once you have identified your goals, the right topics; your budget; and how you learn best then seek out the best training you can find that meet your criteria.

Of course the main step is to take action once you have made your purchase. Don’t allow the program to just sit on the shelf.

Follow these steps you’ll not only save money, you’ll also achieve your desired results.

Expect abundance,
Lou Castillo

P.S.  You don’t become what you want, you become what you believe.   – Oprah Winfrey