I’ve been investing for over 20 years and have worked with hundreds – if not thousands – of investors and I can tell you that…

The #1 reason that investors fail is a lack of consistency or tenacity.

The #2 reason investors fail is they have unrealistic expectations which leads to disappointment resulting in Reason #1.

The #3 reason investors fail is that they chase the next shiny object. When their expectations are not met, they look for the next product or service that promises even better results and lose focus. Again this results in Reason #1.

Frankly, I believe that so-called gurus should shoulder much of the blame (maybe me included) in that our marketing tends to make people believe that all they have to do is snap their fingers and deals will come pouring in.

Now you’re smart enough to know in your heart that can’t possibly be true – but you WANT to believe it because wouldn’t that be great??!!

Of course it would.

But the real world doesn’t work like that, and when you have unrealistic expectations that aren’t met, you become disappointed and disillusioned, and then you stop working your business.

So let me be clear…if you want to succeed at real estate investing, you must be tenacious. You must keep marketing and looking for deals.

You cannot give up!

It may take you 6 months or even a year (quicker for some, longer for others) to really get the traction in the business to close a lot of deals.

But here’s the reward. If you’re willing to commit and put in the effort for a relatively short period, you will start seeing more and more profits pouring in, and it won’t take long and you’ll make more part time at real estate than full time at your job.

Soon you’ll pay off all your debts. You’ll go full time into investing. You’ll have more free time than ever before and more discretionary money to spend than ever before.

That’s why my mother thought – until the day she died – that I was doing something illegal, or at least unethical…

She could not understand how I had more free time than I ever had in my corporate job, yet I had more money to spend than ever before.

My point to you is that real estate investing is an amazing opportunity. Don’t let anyone disillusion you with false expectations. Focus on your business and be tenacious and consistent. All of a sudden you’ll turn around and realize that you exceeded all your dreams!

Expect abundance,

Lou Castillo

P. S.  Are you looking for a mentor to help you grow your business? Before you sign up with anyone, take a look at my program. I take a very unique approach that you won’t find with anyone else.

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